Ticketing and details here.
Seven Things You’ll Be Talking About This Year, From The Berlin International Film Festival. “The Germans were rolling in the aisles. The combination of dad jokes, an underdog spirit, dream sequences and elaborate sets of 1970s suburbia pastiche makes a twee but charming package, landing somewhere between Where The Wild Things Are, Garden State and a whacked out Fear And Loathing trip for 14-year-olds.” More.
“The brightly coloured uniforms, formalised framing and studiously ‘awkward’ performances all recall the films of Wes Anderson – but it’s fair to assume that Myers has arrived at this style on her own road, preserving the presentational aspect of theatre while capitalising on the weirdness that arises when this approach is transferred to the screen.”
“Trippy, fun sweet…refreshingly different.”
“A surreal exploration of that in-between age when childish fears and fantasies collide with the realities of teenage society.”
“An effervescent yet astute splash of teen life that delights the eyes, warms the heart and tickles the funny bone in equal measures.” More.
“An irresistibly fun visual feast that’s impossible not to enjoy.”
“The strength of Australian Rosemary Myers is expressed in her choice not to be trapped in any genre, but to swing easily from the registry of the vintage comedy to that of a fantastic film.”
“Girl Asleep is an exuberant example of imaginative filmmaking that takes its cues from imagination and talent — with nary a focus group in sight.” More.